About Us!
Science and technology are useful, but art is the reason we live. Anyone with even a modest exposure to arts and theatre would agree. However, significant portion of our population lack such experiences. A community without artistic expression is, in essence, deprived. It’s time to champion the infusion of arts culture into our city, ensuring everyone has the chance to engage with the transformative power of creativity. This vision for a city is possible if people and institutions connected to arts and theatre collaborate to create a space where artists and performers can express themselves freely and push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. This space would foster a connected community of artists, art enthusiasts, and supporters for collective exploration. CLAP is an effort in that direction. Call or email to know more.
Community for Liberal Arts & Performances
Science and technology are useful, but art is the reason we live.
Anyone with even a modest exposure to arts and theatre would agree. However, significant portion of our population lack such experiences. A community without artistic expression is, in essence, deprived. It’s time to champion the infusion of arts culture into our city, ensuring everyone has the chance to engage with the transformative power of creativity.
A vibrant art culture profoundly impacts a town, making it more dynamic and enjoyable. It influences social, economic, and cultural aspects, contributing to the community’s overall well-being.
This vision for a city is possible if people and institutions connected to arts and theatre collaborate to create a space where artists and performers can express themselves freely and push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. This space would foster a connected community of artists, art enthusiasts, and supporters for collective exploration. CLAP is an effort in that direction. Call or email to know more.

Recent Event

January 4, Nagpur
होल बॉडी मसाज
[प्रस्तुति: नाट्यधारा, मुंबई | ९० मिनिटे | मराठी]
मरणाच्या वेळी जेंव्हा आपण निव्वळ एक बॉडी याशिवाय इतर काही राहणार
नाही, तेंव्हा इतकी वर्ष अट्टाहासानं जपलेल्या अंतःस्थ प्रेरणांचे काय होत असेल,
या विचाराचा भुंगा हे नाटक आपल्या बॉडीच्या वरच्या भागात सोडून देते.
किरण यज्ञोपवीत

January 5, Nagpur
रुंग्ली रुंग्लीयॉट
[प्रस्तुति: अर्भाट फिल्म्स, मुंबई | १५० मिनिटे | मराठी]
जी.ए आणि सुनीता देशपांडे यांच्या पत्रांचे अभिवाचन!
संकलन दिग्दर्शक:
उमेश विनायक कुलकर्णी
गिरीश कुलकर्णी
माधुरी पुरंदरे
Past Events

In order to rehabilitate the widow’s of the massacred Thakur’s in Behmai, the government opened an incense stick factory. Until killing the jailed Bandit Queen of Chambal, Lala Ram Thakurain reserved the last rite ritual to liberate the ashes of her husband via water and is organizing everyone with expecting help from Kalli.

An intriguing weave of 3 stories talk about what strength, hope can instill and how life without hope is impossible to sustain. Out of these three narratives, two are from young contemporary Rajasthani writers Arvind Charan and Chirag Khandelwal. And the one which basically lays foundation for the performance is by renowned Rajasthani writer Vijaydan Detha.
भिजकी वही

अरुण कोलटकरांच्या लेखणीतून उमटलेली जगभरातील स्त्रियांच्या वेदनेची आणि जपलेल्या अस्मितेची गाथा !!
(प्रस्तुती : परिवर्तन, जळगाव)
ब्लॅक अँड व्हाईट रेनबो

नातं जुळतं पण ते टिकवावे लागतं
स्त्री पुरुष संबंधांवर एकपात्री प्रयोग
प्रस्तुती: स्मिता माहूरकर, नागपूर
होल बॉडी मसाज

मरणाच्या वेळी जेंव्हा आपण निव्वळ एक बॉडी याशिवाय इतर काही राहणार नाही, तेंव्हा इतकी वर्ष अट्टाहासानं जपलेल्या अंतःस्थ प्रेरणांचे काय होत असेल, या विचाराचा भुंगा हे नाटक आपल्या बॉडीच्या वरच्या भागात सोडून देते.
रुंग्ली रुंग्लीयॉट

नातं जुळतं पण ते टिकवावे लागतं
स्त्री पुरुष संबंधांवर एकपात्री प्रयोग
प्रस्तुती: स्मिता माहूरकर, नागपूर